Personal Information:
- Identity card number: 9- 024- 629
- Place and date of birth: San Jose, Costa Rica, April
18 of 1952.
- Civil Status: Divorced, two children.
- P.O. Box: 4328- 1000, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- E-mail:
- geperez@congreso.aleg.go.cr
- gapmerayo@hotmail.com
- Address: Granadilla, Curridabat, San Jose
- Telephones: (506)
- 8815- 4069 / 2243-2646 office
- 2273- 3349 fax
- Primary:
- John D. Rockefeller School, Turrialba,
Costa Rica.
- Mount Rainier Junior High, Hyattsville,
Maryland, U.S.
- Secondary:
- Frederick Military Academy, Portsmouth,
Virginia, U.S.
- Country
Day School, San José,
Costa Rica.
- University:
- Faculty
of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid, obtaining
the degree of "Licenciado en Derecho",
(Lawyer), Madrid, Spain.
- Faculty of Political Sciences and
Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid, where
I studied the first three years of Political Science and
Sociology, Madrid, Spain.
- Faculty of Law of the University
of Costa Rica, Graduating as Public Notary.
Other University Studies:
CASE, obtaining the corresponding title, as well as the title given
Institute of Human Rights in Strassburg, France.
Post Held In the Present:
- Litigating Lawyer and Public Notary, since
1981, with specialty in Civil Law, National Commercial and International
Law, and legal advisor to various national and foreing companies.
- Specialist
in International Payment Instruments, International Contracts
of Purchase and Sales and Arbitration, International Exchange
Procedures, coointegrator of a procedure for handling trading
operations, "Procedural Framework for Sourcing and Selling",
since 1988.
- President
and Propietary of Sociedad Anónima
de Organizacion y Sistemas Incorporados, SAOSI, since 1985.
- Legal Representative of the Commercial
Office of INFOBANK International PTY. Ltd. of Autralia en Costa
Rica, since 1985.
- Legal Advisor to the Assoation for the
Development of the Small Businessman, ADEPE, administrator of
A.I.D. and I.D.B. funds, 1986.
- Lawyer with Special Judicial Power of
Athorney to litigate in the name of the Department of Justice
of the United States.
- Specialist in Information Technology and
Electronic Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet/Intranet/Extranet,
On-line mechanisms of payments, Home Banking, Universal Right
of Access, On-line Retailing and Investigation in the Internet
since 1990.
- Parliamentary
Advisor specialist in Business Logistics, Library of Congress
Monseñor Sanabria, LEGISLATIVE
navigating hours, since 1992.
- Lawyer
and Consultant on International Forms of Payment and external
Lawyer of the Coalición
de Iniciativas de Desarrollo (CINDE), Semi-public corporation
for export consultation and advice, San José, Costa Rica
since 1993.
- Professor on Investigation in Internet,
and related themes of the Digitital Economy, in the LEGISLATIVE
- Parliamentary Advisor and speciallist
OF COSTA RICA, since 1992.
- Coordinator
of the Site of the Library of Congress Monseñor Sanabria" of
the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, 1998, http://www.asamblea.go.cr/BIBLIO.htmSan
José 1998.
- Propietary
y Director of the "Knowledge Center
_ Centro de Conocimiento" Kc_Cc, http://kccc.derecho.org, España, 1998.
- Senior Consultant of the GALILEO Foundation,
for the Innovation, Growth and Transformation , SI-PROMICRO, http://www.sipromcro.com, San Jose, 1999.
- Vicepresident de la Latin American Center
of Information Technology (CLATI), Costa Rica 1998.
- Vicepresident of the Latin American Legal
Technology Center Foundation (CENTELLA), Costa Rica 1998.
- Consultant and Advisor in the Project
PROCDESI for Central America, of the International Commerce Centre,
since 1996.
Instructor of other seminars such as:
- International Instructor, Advisor and Consultant
in the following areas:
- Electronic Commerce
- For the Private Sector:
- "The
Digital Economy and the Teachings of the New Paradigm"
- What's the Commercial Internet? The commercial
use of the Web. How to purchase, sell and market? How to
obtain commecial information for your enterprise in the
- Introducción al Comercio Electrónico
- Managing the MarketSpace?
- How to Manage the Virtual Value Chain?
- "Home
- "On-line
Payment Systems"
- "Online
- On-line Chain Management
and Web Casting - The structural framework and it's
implications. y (Web Casting).
- Firewalls and Security for the distributed
- Encription and Electronic Data Security
- The Future of Netwoking and Communications
- The Internet Service Providers (ISP)
- "Java
and the Wide World Web Metamorphosis"
the new language of the Web. How to write commercially
on the Web? The new advertizement and marketing"
- Electronic Commerce
- For the Public Sector:
- Electronic Government and Democracy
- Universal Access Right
- Introduction
to the "World
Wide Web"
- The transformation behind the Information
- Access to Public Information: Public Data
Bases and Electronic Democracy
- Internet, cuestions behind it's commerciallization
(privatization) and the new actors of the Information Society
- The National Information Infrastructure
(NII), the Global Information Infrastructure (GII) and the
Information Superhighway; the I-Way
- How to Investigate in Internet, for Government
- International Commerce
- For Private and Public Sectors:
- International Mechanisms of Payment
- "International
Purchase of Sale Contract, Documentary Credits and
- "Procedural
Framework for Sourcing and Selling"
- "International
Commerce and the New Alternative Mechanisms of Payments.
- Speaker of the following themes:
- Internet and WWW, Dematerialization of the acts
of commerce, Electronic Money, Encription and security of communications,
Extranet, Intranet and Internet, Security in distributed computing,
The transformation behind the Information Superhighway, and similar
Knowledge of Computing (Information
- Software:
- Operating Systems: Complete knowledge
of DOS versions 3.3, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 and 7.1, Windows
vers. 3.0, 3.1, 3.11 for Workgroups, Windows 95, 98 and basic
principles of Windows NT, Apple Systems. Basic Knowledge
of O.S. 2, Java and of Object Oriented Systems, OOS.
- Individual working applications: Complete
knowledge of Word Perfect 5.1, 6.0 and 7.0 for Windows, Microsoft
(MS) Word 2.0, 6.0 and 97, MS-Excel 5.0 and 97, MS-Power
Point 4.0 5.0 and 97, MS- Project, MS-Mail, MS-Works, MS-Publisher,
Form Tools, The Print Shop various versions, IBM applications
of Writing Assistant, Display Write 4, Lotus Organizer. Knowledge
of Lotus 123 for DOS and Windows, Adobe Framemaker, Acrobat
and Ventura, besides various graphic software packages for
imaging (GIF, JPG) and various types of sounds.
- Workgroup Applications: Microsoft
Office 97 y Lotus Notes, and other webcasting technologies
such as Poincast Network and Intranet systems. Knowledge
of web telephony and videoconferencing applications, and
workgroup application for the web, (Internetworking), Document
- Electronic Commerce Applications:
Good knowledge of individual to individual and group to group
communications, information transfer and program to program
interaction, data base services, data processing services
and data sharing services. Applications for the integration
of virtual shops, MS Merchant Server, I-cat, Peachtree Business
Internet Suite. Applications for integrating commercial web
pages, client relations and helpdesk, BBS, E-mail/fax systems,
FTP, WAIS and other electronic commerce applications such
as, ISO 7372 Trade Data Elements, UNDIFACT/ANSI. Basic knowledge
of Java, Multimedia, Softbots, Telescript and Applets, translators
and mappers for EDI. Intranet data mining, warehousing and
web farming.
- Tools: XTree-Gold for DOS and Windows,
P.C. Tools for DOS and Windows, Norton Desktop, Norton all
versions, (Integrator y Commander), PC-Kwik, Side Kick, Win-Probe.
- Communications: Handling of Applications:
PC Link, XT-Link, Carbon Copy, E-mail various packages, also
e-mail to fax-fax to e-mail and others, plus Lotus CC Mail.
- Knowledge of Networks: International- INTERNET,
INFONET, CompuServe, America on-line, UU NET, Internic, Commerce
Net, SUraNet, MilNet, NSFNet, DodNet, Aplelink, EBONE, DSINet, NASANet,
CHINAPAC, USENET, ClariNet and others. Local Area Networks LAN and
Wide Area Networks WAN, National Information Infrastructure - NII,
I-Way Backbone, Banyan, Red Novell, Intranet, ATM, X12, X400 and
X.25. Wireless Personal Communications for computing, (Mobile Computing).
- DataBases: Knowledge of MICROISIS,
MS-ACCESS, and of Paradox for Windows, D-Base.
Complete knowledge of the latest versions, handling of applications
for HTML such as Hot Metal, Netscape Navigator Gold, MS-
Front Page, HTMLASS, InContext, Web Analyzer and Net Objects
Fusion. Applications for developing dynamic "Web
Pages" Simantec-Café y Macromedia Director. Tools for
Intranet, Digital Equipment Alta Vista Forum 2.0, Web Seeker and
- Internet applications: Complete handling
of TCP-IP vers. 5 y 6, e-mail, ping, finger, electronic billboards
(BBS), (News Groups), Telnet, Hytelnet, FTP, WAIS, Gopher,
Internet public data state, regional and world, private and
commercial, specialist in search engines and web directories.
Knowledge of ISO/OSI X.25.
- WWW:
Software: Knowledge of Mosaic, Netscape, MS-Explorer, "softbots" (Software
Robots) Marauder, WebSeeker, Web Mapers, Encarta, Travelbot,
Web Wacker y Web-Buddy, specialist in information searches
in the WWW, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI Standards, Open
EDI. MS Front Page, Navigators Composer, Hot Metal, Hot Dog
and other HTML editors.
- WWW:
Software: Knowledge of Mosaic, Netscape, MS-Explorer, "softbots" (Software
Robots) Marauder, WebSeeker, Web Mapers, Encarta, Travelbot,
Web Wacker y Web-Buddy, specialist in information searches
in the WWW, Electronic Data Interchange, EDI Standards, Open
EDI. MS Front Page, Navigators Composer, Hot Metal, Hot Dog
and other HTML editors.
- Hardware:
- Basic
knowledge of personal computers, IBM systems and compatibles,
CPU´s 8086, 286, 386, 486,
586, Mini computers, Main Frames, proprietary systems open
and closed, Client/Server Systems, web servers and PCs.
- Peripherals: Matrix Printers, bubble jet and laser,
scanners, monitors, Video cards, sound, Hard disks, keyboards, pointing
systems, CD-ROM technology, MIDI cards, modems with and without
fax, network cards lick Token Ring and others.
- Internet Hardware: Basic knowledge
of Web Architecture (Internet, WWW and the National Information
Infrastructure NII-), Access ramps, servers, client-server
relations, distribution webs, access equipment, midleware,
and online catalogs.
Post Held in the Past:
- First Secretary of the Embassy of Costa
Rica in Madrid, Spain, 1976 - 1978.
- Professor
of "Theories and Systems
of Political Organization", in the School of International
Relations of the Autonomous University of Heredia Costa Rica,
1979 - 1980.
- Professor
of "Inroduction to International
Relations " in the School of International Relations of the
Autonomous University of Heredia Costa Rica, 1979 - 1981.
- Founding member of the Academy of Public
Law, 1981.
- Director
of the Documentation Center and Specialized Library "LUIS Y FELIPE MOLINA",
of the School of International Relations, Autonomous University
of Heredia, Costa Rica, 1979 -1981.
- Technician in Parliamentary Advise, Legislative
Assembly of the Republic of Costa Rica, 1979 - 1980.
- Parliamentary Advisor, Legislative Assembly
of the Republic of Costa Rica, 1979 - 1981.
- Director of Governmental and External
Relations and of the Legal Department of the STANDARD FRUIT COMPANY,
1981 - 1985.
- Coordinator of the negotiations between
the Government of Costa Rica and the Standard Fruit Company for
the reduction of the Banana Tax established by Law number 5515,
1983 - 1984.
- Member of the Commission of Juridical
Analysis of the Ministry of Justice, 1982 - 1986.
- Director of the Colombian Industrial Exhibit
of PROEXPO, that took place in the Irazu Hotel, 7 - 17 of May of
1983, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Founding partner and ex-owner of ASELEX,
S.A., first lobbying company established in Costa Rica, 1984
- 1988.
- Director and author of the first proposal
of a Dry Channel (Land Bridge) to the Costarrican Government and
representative of the Canadian company PACAR FREEPORT COSTA RICA
LTD., San Jose,
Costa Rica, 1985.
- Founding partner and ex-owner of de EDILEX,
a Company dedicated to improve the image of the private and public
sector, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1985 - 1987.
- Litigating
legal firm specialized advise to Banks and Finantial Institutions,
Airlines, Shipping and other companys, San Jose, 1985 - 1988.
- Director of the Colombian Industrial Exhibit
of PROEXPO, that took place in the Irazu Hotel, 23 - 27 of September
of 1985, San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Member of the First Group of International
Jurist for the defense of Costa Rica in the case of Nicaragua vs.
Costa Rica before the International Court of Justice of the Hague,
Washington and New York, 1986.
- Integrator
of the Private Commission (Infobank Pty. Ltd. / Sociedad Anónima de Organización y Sistemas
for the creation of a procedure for the activity of Trading, "Procedural
Framework for Sourcing and Selling), Australia, San Jose, 1988-1989.
- Professor of Mercantile Law, at the Free
Faculty of Law, of the Autonomous University of Central America,
UACA, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1988.
- Manager of the Company EXITEX S.A., company
that manufactures food based on soy beans, 1989 - 1991.
- Representative of the Legislative Assembly
to the Reunion of Library Leaders of Juridical Institutions in
Latin America, United Nations Institute for the Prevention of Crime
and Treatment of Law Agressors, (ILANUD) and the Project for the
strengthening of Juridical Libraries in Latin America (BIJUR),
San Jose, Costa Rica, November 1993
- Legal
Representative of Florida West Airlines Inc.,
1987 - 1993, San José, Costa Rica.
- Legal Advisor to the COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO,
- Coordinator of the Computerized Center
and Juridical Bibliografical Documentation of the Department
of Technical Services of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica,
1992 - 1996.
- Legal Advisor of the Permanent Commission
of Government and Administration of the Legislative Assembly of
Costa Rica, 1994.
- Member and Interim Coordinator of the area of Commercial
Law and International Commercial Law, of the Department Reference and
Technical Services of the Legislative Assembly, San Jose, Costa Rica,
- Director
and Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Government Enterprise,
San Jose, Costa Rica, 1994 1998.
- "The New International Economic Order
and the International Situation" Newspaper LA NACION, October
4 of 1980, page 2 -b.
- "The Communist Attitude with Regard
to Strikes" Newspaper LA NACION, January 3, of 1982, page
16 - A.
- Integrator,
writer and editor of the Book "The
Standard Fruit in Costa Rica", San José, Costa
Rica, 1982.
- Integrator of two promocional records of the Standard
Fruit Company, 1982 y 1983
- Co-Author of the first theoretical document
about the Defense of Costa Rica in the case of Nicaragua vs. Costa
Rica, established before the International Court of The Hague,
New York, 1986.
- Integrator,
translator and editor of the "Procedural
Framework for International Sourcing and Selling", Australia
/ Costa Rica, 1988-1989.
- Integrator
and editor of the First Edition of the "Legislative
Thesaurus" edited by the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica,
San Jose, 14 of September 1993.
- "Brief History of Documentary Credits" document
not published, San Jose, 1994.
- Owner
of Copyright for the non edited book, titled "International Mechanisms of Payment",
San Jose, 1994.
- "The Structure of International Commerce
in History", book in the process of publishing, San
- "New Banking Services Telephone
Services for the Clients", published in Argentina by Revista
Bancaria Argentina, Así lo Vemos, Consultores Bancarios Argentinos,
edition number 673, page 13, 1996.
- "New Banking Services Electronic Money",
Published in Argentina, Así lo Vemos, Consultores
Bancarios Argentinos, edición número 674, page
13, 1996.
- "New Banking Services: Telephone Services
for the Clients, Electronic Money", published in the Magazine Perspectivas
Financieras of the Panamenian Bankers Association, edition march
- Panama April, 1996.
- "Spiders
or Search Engines ? Searching for Information in the InternetSpiders
or Search Engines ? Navegating in the "Web"",
(in Spanish) three articles, magazine Revista Parlamentaria,
months, august of 1996, and February of 1997.
- "The New Industry of Communications",
article pending publication, February of 1997.
- "¿Industry of Telecommunication
or Industry of Communications?" April of 1997.
- "Law,
Technology and Change", Colective Work titled "Virtualidad
y Derecho" published by the National Commission for the
Change of Justice (CONMAJ), august 1997
- "Law,
Technology and Change" The Electronic Magazine of Information
Law. Magazine Number 08 - March of 1999. Derecho Org: http://www.derecho.org.
- "Commercial
Negotiation Mechanisms, Contract of Purchase and Sales and Instruments
of Payment"©,
document integrated for the International Center of Commerce, United
Nations, Geneve, (Copyright is owned by the United Nations),
January of 1998.
- Full Command: Spanish and English
- Simultaneous translator: (Spanish to English/English
to Spanish)
- Basic Knowledge: French and Swedish
Director del Centro
-- Lic. Guillermo Augusto Pérez Merayo, Universidad
Complutense, Madrid, P.O.Box, 4328- 1000, San José, Costa Rica,